Wednesday, June 29th
8:30-9:30am : Participants welcoming reception
9:30am : Forum opening!
Welcoming speech and organisators’ welcome
Venue: Stendhal – Amphi 1
10:30-12am: Morning plenary
This first plenary will settle the framework of this second edition of the International Forum for Well Being, including exchanges about « How to stay the course of a fair and sustainable society ». It will be in this sequence toexpose the stakes in order to nourish the reflection and the proposals of solution throughout the forum.
Animation : Celina Whitaker (Co-president of FAIR – Forum for Other Wealth Indicators)
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
- Pegah Moulana, Advocacy coordinator at Youth and Environment Europe
Pegah is a young activist and is currently an advocacy coordinator at Youth and Environment Europe, an international NGO based in the Czech Republic. Her job is to lead a leadership programme with a group of motivated and talented young people across Europe. She began her work at the age of 11 and has since endeavoured to express the concerns of young people to decision-making bodies, including local, national and regional institutions such as the European Union and the Council of Europe.
- Patrick Viveret, French philosopher
Former adviser to the Court of Auditors and member of several citizens’ movements. He has published many books and reports for a new approach to wealth, including “Rethinking Wealth” (L’Aube, 2003), in which he conveys the message that “Choices of Representation and Calculation of Wealth, built at the time of the industrial revolutions, are increasingly unsuited to the major issues of our societies…”
To go further, see this article « Rêver à un autre futur » co-written with Florence Jany-Catrice (Revue Projet, 2018)
- Alberto Acosta, Ecuadorian economist and engaged personality
Ecuadorian economist. Grandfather. Minister of Mines and Energy (2007). President of the Constituent Assembly (2007-2008). Judge of the International Court of Nature Rights. University professor. Companion of struggle of social movements. Author of several books.
For more information on the cosmology of Buen Vivir see the section «CHANGE OF COSMOVISION: THE BUEN VIVIR» on this page of the website Cap Bien Vivre
- Andrew Fanning, Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
Andrew leads DEAL’s work on applied research, data analysis and iteratively improving our methodologies, especially for downscaling the Doughnut to places. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow in the Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds, and holds a Masters in Development Economics from Dalhousie University (Canada) and a PhD from the University of Cadiz (Spain).
For more information on Doughnut Economics, see the website DEAL
12-12:30am : 3-day programme presentation
12:30am-1:30pm: Breaks and breathing time
12:45am-1:30pm: BREATHING TIMES
- Body, rhythms and joy
Play with the body and the rythms can procure joy and collective well-being. This workshop,enables to discover in a simple and friendly way.
Speaker: Karim Reggad
Venue : Simone Veil – 104
- Médit’actions Yoga du Cœur
Simple and easy to use every day meditation to energise our subtle heart, the source of our inner well-being, and a true inner compass that can enlighten our lives.
Speaker: Sophie Calvet
Venue : Simone Veil – 102
- Do In and Hatha Yoga: subtle awakening
With Hatha Yoga, and the Do In, go meet your interiority, balance yourself energetically, soothe the mental fluctuations through your body, your movement and your feeling. Promote inner listening, through postural adjustment, breathing practices, self-massages.
Speaker : Brunelle Guignier
Venue : Simone Veil – 103
1:30-4:30pm: Workshops
Designed based on the proposals from call for papers
1:30-3pm WORKSHOPS
- North-South (and South-South!) cross-views on the SDGs and fair trade
The ODDAFIP project (Sustainable Development Goals with Artisans of Fair Trade and Social and Solidarity Economy of France, India and Peru), winner of the European initiative « Mindchangers », offers you a debate-projection in order to present the impacts and applications of the sustainable development goals especially in the countries of the South, with the presence of the film director.
Speaker : M. Monteagudo
Venue: Simone Veil – 201
- What place for our children?
We all want the best for our children. Joy and love. With a frantically rhythmic daily life and days that are a succession of expectations and constraints, how can we best accompany them when we ourselves suffer the ordinary violence of the child? We will try to put consciousness on this ordinary violence in order to gradually detach ourselves from the patterns of reproduction.
Speaker : Catherine Silvestre
Venue: Simone Veil – 202
- Travel in 2030 glorious
This unprecedented trip in glorious 2030 invites you to catch your breath, it is an invitation, we would like it to become an epidemic! In the time of a discussion, you will set foot in this new world that we are ready to build together.
Speaker : Julien Vidal
Venue: Simone Veil – 203
- Tell me what you eat, I’ll tell you what planet it’s drawing!
America/Rhone-Alpes cross views: How do our plates eat the planet? What are the impacts of our food choices here and there? How can we meet the challenge of a rich society for everyone and rich of its whole world? Let’s cross our eyes with our partners in Mexico and Guatemala.
Speakers : Maria Estela Barco & Faustino Guzman (organisation DESMI – Mexique) ; Sandra Montejo & Joaquin Guzmanet (organisation SERJUS – Guatemala) ; Johan Charvet, André Briquet, Marie-Hélène Barberot, Renée Gaude (CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
Venue: Simone Veil – 204
- The biodiversity fresco
The Biodiversity Fresco is a collaborative, playful and scientific workshop that allows us to understand simply the issues surrounding the erosion of biodiversity and the systemic aspect of this erosion. Warning: duration 3 hours.
Speaker : Marie Odini
Venue: Simone Veil – 302
- Piloting sustainable transformation at a community level. From concept to action. A workshop to share and capitalise on feedback from the municipality of St Fons: from SDGs to the strategic plan of territorial development
The expected sustainable transformation must be global, participatory, structured and driven by a strong collective ambition. Conceived at the global level, the sustainable development goals are a unifying framework that can be adapted on any scale. Based on the experience of the municipality of St Fons, the various key stages, the engines and the brakes will be shared in the workshop to facilitate the transition to action of each.
Speakers : Lydie Gharib, Marine Lopez-Martinez, Silvia Rosales-Montero
Venue: Simone Veil – 210
- Living in a winter sports resort tomorrow
In 2016, with a group of architecture students, we were trying to imagine what a future might be for the building bars that make up Côte 2000, above Villard de Lans. The most original project was to make it a university! Utopian? Not so much if one goes beyond the prism that a place of knowledge must necessarily be located in the city, while leisure is in the mountains. By upsetting the points of view, we are opening up the fields of possibilities: between the development of infrastructures and the aspirations for a change of way of life, producing in the mountains something other than alpine skiing could be a real opportunity, which could become central in diversification projects.
Speakers: Niels Martin, Association La Grave autrement
Venue: Simone Veil – 211
- Mobility in practice in the Grenoble basin
Sharing experiences on the mobility of the territory, in urban areas and in areas of low concentration ; testimony of a car-sharing man.
Speakers : Jean Clot (Citiz) et Jean Pierre Cleirec
Venue : Simone Veil – 205
- Rationing : social justice or green dictatorship?
Facing the difficulty of our society to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, can rationing be a solution? Virage Énergie invites you to discover the concept of a carbon quota and to discuss its relevance for finding a democratic and socially fair response to the climate crisis.
Speaker : Rebecca Wangler (Virage Énergie)
Venue: Simone Veil – 209
- The forgotten of the Greek islands, stories of crises?
The workshop is part of the logical continuation of the comic strip « The forgotten of the Greek islands ». The introduction to comics becomes a tool to carry messages and testimonies and thus carry the voice of those who are not heard.
Speaker : Bertille de Salins (comic author)
Venue: Simone Veil – 112
- Economy of functionality and cooperation: designing an accessible health service on the territory
Nowadays, many areas face an issue of access to health services : medical desert in rural areas, saturation of the schedules of city doctors, overcrowding of emergencies. This workshop will suggest that you imagine a service solution to deal with these different issues by identiying the stakeholders of the territory to involve in the sustainable co-construction of this service.
Speakers : Sophie Claude (ATEMIS), James Pedron (CIRIDD, Centre International des Ressources et Innovation pour Développement Durable)
Venue : Simone Veil – 212
- Playfull landscapes
Creative workshop using collages, to guide an artistic experience where participants will represent the future of cities in transition.
Workshop leader : Ariadna Sar (artiste)
Venue : Simone Veil – 303
3-4:30pm workshops
- Feminist fights in Mercosur and France. Exchange of experiences.
Through the sharing of field associations in Latin America and France, we will try to highlight among the privileged places of struggle the benchmarks that allow the conquest of women’s human rights.
Speakers : Cecilia Carozzo (PMSS : Plateforme Mercosur Social et Solidaire) ; Joël Descoings et Olivier Béal (CCFD – Terre Solidaire)
Venue: Simone Veil – 301
- Echirolles survey: environmental and social issues: what are the mutual effects on the living conditions?
Within the framework of the Social Needs Analysis, the CCAS of Echirolles wanted to explore this question: what perception do residents, associations, municipal services have of environmental questions about their living conditions? What constraints, what opportunities does this represent for people? Are the working classes so insensitive to environmental issues? The survey made it possible to meet about twenty associations, residents, municipal services, about sixty people and 5 issues at the crossroads of environmental and social issues were identified. We invite you to discover this survey and its results, revealing people’s awareness of environmental inequalities.
Speakers: Carole Bégou et Hélène Joseph (CCAS Echirolles), Lucas Jouny (Agence d’urbanisme de la région grenobloise)
Venue: Simone Veil – 202
- Migration, climate justice and ecological debt
Europe, benefiting from a very favourable balance of power following colonial relations, consumes much more than its proportional share of global resources, aggravating the greenhouse effect and generating global warming. The objective of the workshop is to examine the ecological debts resulting from this situation and to imagine ways to act to reduce injustices and promote well-being together.
Speakers: Muttiah Yogananthan, Michel Trommetter (INRAE-Université Grenoble), Romain Couillet (MIAI Large Data Chair-Université de Grenoble), Dan Camara (migrant), Daniel Delpeuch (Cimade)
Venue: Simone Veil – 305
- The well-being of students
Presentation of an application measuring the well-being of students, carried out in several institutions of the academy of Grenoble (Collège Fernand Bouvier, Lycée Philibert Delorme) in collaboration with the CCFD-Terre Solidaire. The application is based on assessment criteria chosen by the students to assess their feelings, and enable the implementation of targeted actions to respond to the specific problems of the schools concerned.
Speakers: Sylvie Méary-Chabrey et Romaric Bonnet (collège Fernand Bouvier) ; Frédéric Arbid (lycée Philibert Delorme)
Venue: Simone Veil – 205
- Welcoming, Living Well Together and Peace: Meeting as a Process of Individual and Collective Transformation
The reception and the encounter are elements of transformation of the individual, the collective, the institutions, and more generally of the social system. Special experiences, one around the welcome of the traveller, the other around a mobile meeting place and the third about living-well as a result of the articulation between personal, collective and social transformation.
Speakers: André Laur-Servas, Marie-Hélène Izarn, Claude Henry, Patrick Viveret (Osons les jours heureux) ; Sophie Cortez (Expaixriences/Peace&Truck)
Venue: Simone Veil – 304
- Transform our imagination
How can we build the world of tomorrow without imagining it first? Come dream about societal issues such as food, work, money, consumption, democracy… This collective intelligence workshop will allow you to express your feelings about the state of the world and the changes to come and to experience a surprising act of citizen co-construction.
Duration : 2h.
Speakers: Nathalie Bougant et Cécile Villegas (Fondacio France)
Venue: Simone Veil – 211
- Co-inhabit between humans and non-humans
Through experiments and reflections on habitats, in France, Brazil and Africa, this workshop aims to create a space for exchanges in order to practice the understanding of the relationship of non-humans and humans in the habitat. It will be structured around short presentations and will be built through a participatory process.
Speakers: Marie Flécheux, Anaïs Guéguen Perrin, Thierry Joffroy, David Soares
Venue: Simone Veil – 210
- Imaginary Transition – How to Make Sobriety Desirable?
Sobriety is an essential pillar of the energy transition. But how can we overcome preconceived ideas about it and propose a desirable society project? In this workshop, experiment with different means of communication to create yourself a positive narrative around sobriety.
Speakers : Rebecca Wangler (Virage Énergie)
Venue: Simone Veil – 209
- Considering the hidden dimensions of poverty
What is poverty? Simply a lack of money to « make ends meet » at the end of the month? Who decides what poverty is and how to measure it? Is it completely different in the North and the South? What do the people who live it from day to day say? Come and listen to the presentation of international research conducted in « knowledge crossroads » for three years in six countries (Bangladesh, Bolivia, USA, France, Great Britain, Tanzania) which the OECD Secretary-General said: « For the first time, ATD-Fourth World – Oxford University research is bridging the gap in poverty measures between rich and poor countries, allowing us to see poverty from a unique perspective. »
Speakers: Xavier Godinot (Coordinateur de la recherche, Mouvement international ATD Quart Monde), Abdallah Bendjaballah (militant d’ATD Quart Monde et membre de l’équipe de recherche en France)
Venue: Simone Veil – 212
- Roles and concept of common goods in the light of Social Solidarity Economy
Communal goods open up the possibility of renewing individual and collective commitments, including the social and solidarity economy (SSE). Since dignity is associated with the satisfaction of a need or a right, the processes constituting communal goods can lead to reflection on the possible choices for the satisfaction of these needs and rights, taking into account the consequences on nature and future generations.
Speakers : Gilda Farrell (Comunia – Rete Italiana dei beni comuni), Danièle Demoustier (Alpesolidaires)
Venue : Simone Veil – 204
1:30-4:30: Scientific symposium
The 1:30-3:30 session
Changing Paradigma: for new espistemologies
Session Presidency : Thomas Boccon-Gibod
Venue: Stendhal – Amphi 3
- The Historical dimension of social and research processes and the issue of transdisciplinarity in sustainability and well-being indicators
Speaker: Marc Jacquinet – Portugal (en english) – Abstract
- Integrated Research for Global Intelligence, the Foundation for Living Together
Speaker: Thirion Samuel (France / in French) – Abstract
The 3-4:30pm session
Changing paradigm: ethics and spirituality
Session presidency : Fatien Pauline
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 3
- Living well and spirituality: unthought or new universality?
Speaker: Damien Delorme France (France /in French) –Abstract and CV
- Mahatma Gandhi’s Sarvodaya (welfare for all) as an idea of the good life: Convergences and contradictions with other paradigms
Speaker: Jorge Guardiola, Diego Checa Hidalgo, José Angel Ruiz Jimenez (France /in French) – Abstract
9am-5:30pm: a youth circuit for people between 12 and 25 years old
In the programme:
• From 9am: accueil / Reception/ presentations and introduction of the day
• 10:30-12am: participation in the opening plenary of the International Forum for Good Living
• 12h-12:30am: meal and interactive workshops
• 1:30-4pm: International Youth Assembly (See details below)
• 4pm: Collective batucada workshop with the BatukaVI
• 4:30-5:30pm: Wandering and participation in continuous animations in the Forum space
• 5:30pm: End of the circuit
1:30-4pm: International Youth Assembly
Prepared by members of the international network Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), the largest independent coalition of youth climate organizations in Europe, this meeting will be “youth for youth”.
This assembly will be international, and will bring together about 150 young people from 12 to 25 years old, including 70 members of the YEE network (18-25 years old), coming from 25 European countries, and about fifty middle school and high school students from the region.
This event will invite participants to reflect, between young people, on their role and their levers of action in the construction of a fairer and sustainable world.
Find here the participation call for middle school and high school.
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
Contact :
Venue : Stendhal
4:15:6pm: #CQFD Conference for the planet
#CQFD Conference for the planet
For its third edition since 2020, the meeting called #CQFD for the Planet brings together, around a common vision, stakeholders from various backgrounds (experts, practitioners, donors, citizens, volunteers, project leaders, etc.).
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More than a simple conference, it is an invitation to reflection and debate, a forum dedicated to the sharing and dissemination of knowledge and experiences, and the emergence of new ideas. By bringing together actors who contribute to envisioning a more sustainable and just world for all, the Terre Solidaire Foundation seeks to give them visibility and thus promote the acceleration of the transition to a new model of development.
Speakers :
Justine Swordy-Borie, Anciela general co-coordinator
Julien Vidal, author and activist
Lise Fortin, student, activist and Youth Environment Europe (YEE) member
Aurélien Barrau, astrophysician and Therotical Physics center director at Grenoble Alpes
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 2
4:30-6pm: Free exchange zone
A freer exchange time to facilitate the crossings of actors… or chat over a drink!
Batucada : walking and collective workshop
Animated by the BatucadaVI troup
Venue : in front of Stendhal
Scientific symposium and forum crossing: on evaluation
Has my project contributed to well-being? What is its social utility? Has this public policy improved the quality of life in my territory, developed co-benefits on nature?
Evaluating in terms of well-being is a step closer to integrating this new social compass.
f the idea is attractive, the implementation is not always simple. At the crossroads between research and practice, this time around evaluation will both feed into the reflections and put into discussion the practical applications in the field. Come and discuss these topics with researchers, communities and take a step further in our thinking and capacity to act.
Speakers :
- Ezvan Cécile, Hélène L’Huillier, Fanny Argoud, Cécile Renouard : Measuring Social Well-Being: An Analysis Under the Prism of Relationship Quality
- Berthaud, Clot, Delahais et Ottaviani : Evaluation in view of the IBEST well-being
- Lavoine et Ottaviani : MOSA – territorial evaluation
- Diane Imbert, Frédéric Merloz : Evaluation with the donuts – Valence
- Morin Yoann : Isère Department
In the presence of the CESER, Regional Chamber of Accounts
Venue : Stendhal
Enabling the participants, through times of 2 to 2 exchange, of guided individual reflection and collective construction, to crystallise the contributions, to clarify their purpose, to enrich themselves through the meeting, and to put themselves into action) “What do I get out of the day, what can I put into action?”
Venue : Stendhal
"Porteur de paroles"
“Porteur de paroles” is a tool for social interaction in the public space that aims to collect and present in the public space the words of passers-by, citizens, on a social issue.
Venue : Stendhal
6-8pm: The evening plenary
Inhabit the planet
For another relationship to life and our interdependencies
The devastating pandemic experienced by all has reinforced the certainty that new paradigms must emerge for a more respectful relationship with nature, to better unite people with each other and with it. From Mexico, to South Africa and West Africa, committed actors share their thoughts and actions to better inhabit the planet and rethink our interdependencies with Mother Earth.
Facilitator : Clémentine Méténier (journaliste)
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
Speakers :
Jean-Paul Sagadou – initiator of the Youth Network for African Integration (V.I.A) and Ubuntu Workshops (A.T.U) – Burkina Faso
Jean Paul Sagadou is currently a journalist with the Bayard Afrique press group in Côte d’Ivoire. He is the initiator of the Youth Network for African Integration which organizes African Integration Trips (V.I.A). He recently launched the Ubuntu Workshops (A.T.U)
Maria Estela Barco Huerta – DESMI Coordinatot– Mexico
A social worker by profession, Maria Estela has 46 years of experience supporting indigenous peoples in Chiapas. She has been working for the DESMI organisation for 29 years doing administrative work, area manager and currently the coordinator of the operational team.
Method Gundziza – Earthlore Foundation Director – South African
Born in Zimbabwe, Method works passionately on the resurgence of traditional seeds, traditional farming practices, indigenous knowledge and sacred natural sites. He accompanies and advises peasant communities, especially women, to achieve food sovereignty, within the Earthlore association.
8pm: Open stage to amateur talents and Belladoina concert
Open stage to amateur talents and Belladoina concert
- Open stage to amateur talents
As part of the International Forum for Well-Being and the Youth Greenoble Summit, Youth and Environment Europe, the largest independent coalition of youth climate organisations in Europe, is organising an open stage on Wednesday June 29th from 8.30pm at the Grenoble campus (espace EVE, 701 avenue centrale, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères).
✨ What is an open stage? It’s a great opportunity to get together and discover the talents that are hidden in each of us!
The principle: anyone can get on stage and perform for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Are you interested? This form is for you!
What can you do? Ce formulaire est fait pour toi ! 🎤 Qu’est-ce que tu peux faire ? 👉 Singing, circus, dance, music, theatre, poetry, rap, etc. All talents are welcome (within the limits of our technical provisions)! 👉 Don’t panic: the simplest as well as the most impressive will have their place. 👉 You can perform alone or with others! 👉 The atmosphere will be friendly and warm so we invite you to dare and trust your many talents that we would be delighted to discover!
You will find, through the link below, the: ENROLMENT FORM
- Belladoïna concert
Belladoïna is clarinet, violin, viola, bouzouki, guitar, percussion, accordion and double bass! 5 musicians who resonate with traditional music: Klezmer and Balkan music.
Venue : Espace EVE