Thursday, June 30th
- Sound journey
Embark on an inner journey to uncover your feelings. Sound vibrations and frequencies release physical, mental and emotional strain. Sound waves have an impact on your body, which is made up of about 70% water, and on your mind, to help you let go.
Speaker : Isabelle Favreau
Venue : Simone Veil – 102
- Meditation
Meditating is a natural thing for the human spirit. During this meditation time, you will learn how to return naturally and easily to your inner core. Without any prerequisite, posture, mantra or singing. Together, we will move from the peripheral part of the being to its core, packed with treasures.
Speaker : Stéphane Rubin
Venue : Simone Veil – 103
- Do In and Hatha Yoga : awakening to the subtle world
With Hatha Yoga, and the Do In, go meet your interiority, balance yourself energetically, soothe the mental fluctuations through your body, your movement and your feeling. Promote inner listening, through postural adjustment, breathing practices, self-massages.
Speaker : Brunelle Guignier
Venu : Simone Veil – 104
08:30-09:30 AM : Participants welcoming reception
9:30-11 AM : New models, new stories // 3 roundtable discussions
What will tomorrow’s economy look like ?
While the latest IPCC report states that we have 3 years left to reverse the curve of GHG emissions, companies’ CSR policies do not seem to have shown significant results toward this. From AgroParisTech students to the American Big Quit, some are even choosing to abandon these companies that are contributing to the climate disaster. Today, can we really imagine a fair and sustainable society without questioning and transforming the role that companies must play in it? Since they influence our economy, our work, our needs and our consumption, how can we help change the core business of companies so that they truly take into account social and environmental stakes? Should we count on a new regenerative economy or rely on the capacity of the current actors to move away from profit- and growth-centred models?
Facilitators : Romain Barrallon, Deborah Ozil (OuiShare)
Speakers :
- Cécile Renouard, enseignante-chercheuse en philosophie et co-fondatrice du Campus de la Transition
- Antoine Giret, accompagnement à la redirection écologique des organisations
- Maxime Tassin, président de la société coopérative CITIZ Alpes-Loire
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 2
From territories to plates, from farmers to consumers…and vice versa !
Based on the experiences of field stakeholders, how can we rally for the right to food, respect for the land and farmers’rights? What are the obstacles and how can we overcome them? Here and elsewhere, how can we get inspired by each other?
Facilitator : Lilian Vargas, chef de service Agriculture, forêt, biodoversité et montagne à Grenoble-Alpes Metropole
Speakers :
- Thomas Borrel, Atelier Paysan
- Laurent Seux, Territoires à vivres
- Valerio Paucarmayta, Programme TAPSA (Transition vers une Agroécologie Paysanne au service de la Souveraineté Alimentaire) – Pérou
- Method Gundidza, Directeur de la fondation Earthlore – Afrique du Sud (earthlorefoundation)
- Denise Faivre, Un Jardin sans frontières
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
For more equality with nature and between humans
The rising inequalities between rich and poor, men and women, in the « North/South » relationship, together with discriminations and patriarchal traditions, reflect the way our development model has been exploiting nature and living beings as « resources ». How to analyse and review the different relationships of domination to warn of the systemic risks associated with these unequal relationships? What are the benefits of connecting social struggles and environmental stakes to change our perspective and the way we relate to each other?
Facilitator : Isabelle Manimben, Head of the Africa Desk CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Speakers :
- Cecilia Carozzo, organization PMSS (Mercosur Social and Solidarity Platform)
- Fanny Petitbon, advocacy officer for CARE
- Armand Blondeau, Federation of Printemps écologique
- Emmanuel Bodinier, co-funnder of Aequitaz
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 3
11:00-12:30 AM : Hub of indicators
Changing tools to count what really matters : many territories, committed actors or institutions have tried this to develop alternative indicators to the classic wealth indicators. (Almost) all of them are present at this forum, in this “hub of indicators”.
We are inviting you to exchange with them in « short meetings », at booths hosted by these indicator bearers. They will present their method, their theoretical and practical choices, but also the way these indicators are used, their impact on policies or how social and environmental issues are related.
This is a unique opportunity to ask them all of your questions, to understand the approaches and pitfalls to avoid, to compare tools. In a nutshell, to explore what’s existing. A very concrete way to complement the resource centre
Venue : Stendhal
List of territories and organisations TBC !
12:30-1:30 PM : Break and breathing time
12:45 - 1:30 PM BREATHING TIME
- Movement and voice
« The voice makes itself heard like a calligraphy drawn by the body ».
Guided session to relax, focus, let go, inhabit one’s body and contact one’s inner space through the movement and singing of vowels
Speaker : Carole Jarrige
Venue : Simone Veil – 102
- Body, rhythms and joy
Playing with the body and the rhythms can procure joy and collective well-being. This workshop enables to discover it in a simple and friendly way.
Speaker : Karim Reggad
Venue : Simone Veil – 103
- Médit’actions Yoga du Cœur
Simple and easy to use everyday meditation to energise our subtle heart, the source of our inner well-being, and a true inner compass that can enlighten our lives.
Speaker : Sophie Calvet
Venue : Simone Veil – 104
1:30-4:30 PM : Workshops
Based on the proposals from the call for contributions
- Focus on living well together: an education that takes care of oneself, others and the world
This workshop offers a friendly experience where everyone contributes to sharing, creating and appropriating knowledge on the themes of taking care of oneself, others and the planet, by experimenting with the process of the “holomorphic daisy” and the richness of the group. The “head-heart-body” approach and theoretical inputs on collective intelligence will guide the discussions. We will conclude with a reflective time to raise awareness of what has been experienced and consider extensions in action.
Speakers : Laurence Besson, Sylvie Grataloup, Jessie Viejo Del Val (Facilitatrices professionnelles en intelligence collective)
Venue : Simone Veil – 203
- Palestine-Israel : living well together
The workshop will be punctuated by a first phase of interactive presentation of the situation in Palestine and Israel, based on a few questions where participants will be encouraged to discuss and position themselves. Secondly, there will be a presentation of the action carried out by CCFD-Terre Solidaire by supporting partners in Israel and Palestine who are working towards social, political and democratic change.
Speakers : Bernadette Bardet, Patrice Leurent, Michèle Dubost, Françoise Guyot, Jean-Pierre Martin (CCFD-Terre Solidaire).
Venue : Simone Veil – 204
- Towards a barometer of freedom of choice
Today, the indicator traditionally used to assess the risk of fragility or even loss of autonomy is rather that of isolation. However, remaining an actor in your life project, expressing a choice and implementing it is both the first right of every human being and central to envisioning dignified and fulfilled aging. The workshop proposes to make progress on the method of construction of the tool and the way in which it could be tested on the territory of Grenoble.
Speakers : Joëlle Sibille (CCAS de Grenoble), Elodie Desrosiers (CCAS de Grenoble), Joséphine Crouzet (CCAS de Grenoble)
Venue : Simone Veil – 205
- Living well, citizen participation and electoral processes: France/Colombia perspectives
In France as Colombia, the year 2022 is marked by electoral, legislative and presidential processes in very diverse geographical, sociological, political and cultural contexts. We invite you to join us in a workhop where we will discuss different principles living well in an electoral context, thanks to the discussions based on the testimonies of our partners from indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in Colombia, from a French panel present during the event as well as the public of the Forum.
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Speakers : Yali Sequeira, Jasmine Cozic (Réseau France Colombie Solidarités et le Programme Ensemble pour la
Paix – Vamos por la paz)
Venue : Simone Veil – 201
- Youth and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How should young people be able to change the world, through the prism of the SDGs?
Changing societies, climate change, migration issues, sustainable development goals… how do today’s youth engage in actions to meet these global challenges? How do the institutions and other actors already in place give them the space and the means (or not) to do so? So many questions that the actors of the European Mindchangers project will try to answer: researcher, associations and young people involved will discuss together, but also with the public to answer this essential question: how should young people be able to change the world?
Speaker : Virgine Lajoie (Résacoop)
Venue : Simone Veil – 211
- Circular economy, virtuous economy
The circular economy is a booming sector. Many local initiatives are emerging to meet the challenges of waste reduction: eco-design, reuse, functionality, local circuits. Come and meet these committed project leaders during a participatory round table!
Speakers : Julien de Leiris (Ronalpia), Olivier Favier (SoluCir)
Venue : Simone Veil – 209
- A beautiful realistic Utopia: (re)enchanting Work and Transition together, for an ecological Society and good living for all?
What visions, meaning and place of « work » in our lives, at a time when it is largely in crisis, but still a central pillar? How to reinvent/(re)enchant our Models of Work, Society and Development, to orient the current change « upward”? What if we become workers for a better world, able to contribute to it while fulfilling ourselves?… This workshop proposes to imagine such a realistic Utopia: a new inspiring vision of « »work » », for an ecological Society, of well(-)being and good living, for all. Duration: 3 hours. On registration (20 places maximum): »
Speakers : Valérie Peyron (Œuvrières et Œuvriers d’un Monde Meilleur), Gérard Lavaud (OOMM)
Venue : Simone Veil – 301
- 2050 Shape It !
If you were a CEO, could you reconcile your prosperity with environmental and social constraints? 2050 Shape it! immerses you in the role of a CEO who must make the best decisions possible to make her company prosper, while respecting the ecological and social constraints ensuring the sustainability of the system. This game explores the role of competition and cooperation in developing individual and collective strategies. Attention: this workshop’s duration is 3 hours.
Speakers : Abigail Fellay (2050 Shape It!)
Venue : Simone Veil – 302
- Another view of ‘development’ from the Native and South American perspective
This workshop aims to present other ways of conceiving concepts such as well-being, “development” or life in society, embodied by models already implemented in various parts of the world, including through examples from the South American indigenous world.
Speakers : Alice Beriot (anthropologue, association Igapo Project), Juan Pablo Gutiérrez (défenseur des droits humains, délégué international de l’Organisation nationale autochtone de Colombie (ONIC) et du peuple autochtone Yukpa), Valerio Paucarmayta (programme TAPSA : Transition vers une Agroécologie Paysanne au service de la Souveraineté Alimentaire – Pérou)
Venue : Simone Veil – 202
- The contributory economy – why, how, emergency?
The contributory revolution[1] changes our organizations and therefore
our vision of the economy!
What is this revolution and how to accompany it to
take full advantage of the opportunities of change while avoiding missing out
through a phase of chaos and without renouncing our heritage of progress.
[1] He realizes that he is an element in the system of life which itself functions in a network and that to play its role there, it is necessary to equip oneself to accept the complexity.
Speaker : Bertrand Sené (economist)
Venue : Simone Veil – 212
- A garden without borders: let’s grow (ourselves) together
Thousands of people are trying to travel to Europe because their country is in the grip of climatic disturbances to which we, Westerners, are not strangers. Here, we modestly try to remedy these injustices by creating an urban garden that is wide open to them. This participatory gardening experience generates dignity and social usefulness and promotes a more direct and respectful relationship with nature while learning about food autonomy in the city. Come listen to our testimonials and give us ideas to go further.
Speakers : Denise Faivre (Jardin sans frontière), jardiniers et jardinières du site
Venue : Simone Veil – 202
- Transforming our view of nature to initiate the ecological transition
The ecological transition is not only a change in behavior. It is first of all a change of culture. Our relationship with nature, marked by centuries of religious, philosophical and political conditioning, is one of the root causes of the deterioration of the natural world. How to adapt it to current conditions? How to revisit it? The importance of access to nature is a question of society for living well together and the development of future generations.
Conférence suivie d’une Reconnexion nature autour des 5 sens.
Speakers : Hubert Mansion (fondateur de l’Université dans la Nature – Canada), Sandrine Ankaoua (Essentiel Nature)
Venue : Simone Veil – 201
- Setting up networks for the reciprocal exchange of knowledge
Since the creation of the 1st network in 1971, many networks have been formed as a collective or in association, have connected and engaged in a Network Movement, always in tune with their time and in contact with the complex realities of their territory. They multiply the creation of third spaces that foster processes of citizen engagement, collective intelligence and cooperation to learn reciprocity throughout life and this in all fields of life: social, cultural and political.
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Speakers : Thérèse Dubonnet, Françoise Lachenal (Mouvement des réseaux d’échanges réciproques de savoirs)
Venue : Simone Veil – 203
- Indicator of sobriety and energy efficiency of our housing
In France, energy performance policies for buildings since the 1970s neglect certain factors and the increase in energy prices then induces a sobriety suffered by the poorest. It is a matter of rethinking scenarios that are more socially just and which, by achieving the objectives of COP 21 before 2050, would meet the expectations of younger generations and our dependence on fossil fuels. This workshop aims to present and question the different energy renovation strategies and scenarios implemented in order to accelerate the ecological and social transition.
Speakers : Benoist du Crest (Rénov Éco), Yamina Saheb (GIEC), Florian Benedetti (Architecte)
Venue : Simone Veil – 204
- Changing indicators for more happiness with *BNB (*Gross National Happiness)
We can respond to today’s major crises with a happier world. For this, let’s engage in a real individual and collective transformation that repairs 3 major fractures: ecological (between SELF and the LIVING), social (between SELF and OTHERS), spiritual (between SELF and SELF). 9 key areas contribute to the happiness of individuals and organizations according to the BNB. These 9 domains will serve as a compass (indicators) to guide our decisions in the personal, collective, professional domains, etc.
Speakers : Fanny Walter et Cécile Travers (Centre BNB France), Louisiana Cavalcanti-Texeira et Christelle Chon-Nam et François Ribeyrote (IRD, projet Isopolis La Réunion), Bertrand Sené (économiste)
Venue : Simone Veil – 212
- Philosophical approaches, traditions and good living
This workshop is about exchanging between speakers with different philosophical and spiritual traditions on their way of « making humanity » today. The angle of the workshop is to combine philosophies and/or traditions that underlie the experiences carried by each other, with the concrete experiments developed aiming to accompany, support a change of vision and practice of the world. ..
Speakers : Claudine Offredi, Cécile Villegas (Fondacio France), Bernard Huguies (Relais Laudato Si), Régis Moreira (Démocratie & Spiritualité), Jean-Louis Girard (Association Saint Hugues), Muttiah Yoganathan (Scarl Métamorphose, Avenir Climatique, Adnatura)
Venue : Simone Veil – 210
- Public services, they practice Holacracy
Constitutional governance in Holacracy has existed for 20 years. First deployed in the private sector, little by little institutions are questioning their internal organization. For 3 years, initiatives have emerged on the territory of Grenoble. We testify to 2 experiments, at the City of Grenoble and at the CCAS.
Speakers : Aliocha Iordanoff (SCOP Semawe), Geneviève Goubel (CCAS de Grenoble), Aurélie Diringer Dagorne ( Ville de Grenoble)
Venue : Simone Veil – 205
1:30-4:30 PM : The scientific symposium
THE 1:30-3:30 SESSION
Individual well-being and environmental sustainability
Presidency session : Frédéric Parrenin
Venue : Amphi 1 – Stendhal
- Where is the double dividend? The relationship between different types of pro-environmental behavior and different conceptions of subjective well-being
Speakers : Ibáñez-Rueda Nazaret and Guardiola Wanden-Berghe Jorge (Spain/ in english) – Abstract
- Nature, health, commitment. Towards a new approach of the ecological transformation
Speakers : Jost Alexandre and Saphia Larabi (France / in french) – Abstract and Resume
- Energy futures and the good life: needs and emotions as opportunities for discussing social and ecological interdependencies around practices of the future
Speakers : Moynat Orlane and Sahakian Marlyne (Switzerland/ in english) – Abstract and Resume
Changing the paradigm : Inspirations from Latin America
Presidency session : Clémentine Rossier
Venue : Amphi 3 – Stendhal
- Implementing Buen Vivir: an Andean proposal for transformative change
Speakers : Chassagne Natasha (Australia / in english) – Abstract
- Changing the paradigm and the Guarani’s well-being in Brazil
Speakers : Gueguen Perrin Anaïs (France / in french) – Abstract and Resume
- The Milpa system in Mexico : as and epistemology
Speakers : Collin Laura (Mexico / in english) – Abstract and Resume
Well-being in the territories
Prsidency session : Marlyne Sahakian
Venue : Amphi 1 – Stendhal
- Measuring well-being in eco-places: an analysis through the lens of relation quality
Speakers : Hélène L’Huillier and Fanny Argoud (France / in french) – Abstract
- Post-Growth indicators in action: could Donut approach be a catalyst?
Speakers : Thiry Géraldine, Dissaux Tristan, Roman Philippe (Belgium / in french) – Abstract et Resume
- The Donut theory in its diversity : a review of practice
Speakers : Dethier F., Roman P., Thiry G. (Belgium / in french) Résumé and CV
Organisation and well-being 1 : the drivers for a good life
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 3
- The two sides of teleworking: Challenges of the new working models after COVID-19
Speakers : Ocha Paola, Blanch Joseph M, Coello-Montecel David (Spain/ in english) – Abstract
- What does “success” mean to European young adults?
Speakers : Parker Natasha, Birgitta Gatesleben, Angela Druckman (UK/ in english) – Abstract and Resume
- Intercultural competence as an indicator of good life in the system of international business
Speakers : Daneshka Antoaneta (Bulgaria / in english) – Abstract
4:30-6 PM : Free exchange areas
Suspension point : A participatory radio journey in the public space, in the form of a poetic flashmob. An invitation to slow down between movement, sound immersion and living stillness.
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By Guillermo Manzo and Guillaume Douady.
Venue : departure from Stendhal forecourt
The donut pattern, invented by Kate Raworth, has a symbolic dimension, as it allows to link the social and the environmental sides in the same representation.
But to achieve this representation and adjust it as closely as possible to the realities of each territory… A lot remains to be done!
This workshop will initiate a dialogue between advanced experiences and more recent ones : Brussels and its famous , Geneva, the Valence-Romans conurbation et Grenoble metropolis. On the agenda :
- some technical questions: data availability, choice of a single indicator to represent extremely complex dimensions, definition of the sustainability threshold…
- and some more democratic and political questions: who is it built and discussed with, how to talk about what’s inside the donut, what uses and by whom?
In short, a dive into the black box of indicators.
Venue : Simone Veil – 203
Here is a rare opportunity given to you…to engage in a direct conversation with a book !
Yes, the particularity of this library is that the books are people who tell a side of their life in relation to the theme of the Forum. This library allows a proper encounter between the reader and the book; for about twenty minutes, the book tells its story and engages in a dialogue with its interlocutors for rich and meaningful exchanges. Here is what a book had to say about this : “What a strange idea, to become a book in a human library. To become a book made publicly available. What a stress. What can I say that might be of interest? Is someone going to mess up with me ? Will I be fully read or just browsed? Or even worse. Am I even going to be opened ?” Interested? Come and have a look at our collection of living literature!
Venue : Stendhal
What is well-being for you ? Pick your photo !
Le Photolanguage is a facilitation technique that allows people to express themselves using photos to facilitate public speaking.
Venue : Stendhal
Allowing participants, through moments of exchange in pairs, guided individual reflection and collective construction, to crystallise the inputs, clarify their views, learn from the meeting, and take action. « what do I get out of the day, what can I put into action?”
Venue : Stendhal
6 – 8 PM : The evening plenary
Suffered sobriety, chosen sobriety… the challenge of changing consumption and production patterns
While the latest IPCC report places sobriety as one of the key elements to mitigate climate change, what do we actually mean by sobriety? What are the requirements to take action and scale up innovations and initiatives to transform consumption and production patterns?
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
Facilitators : Vincent Jourdain et Thibault Daudigeos (chaire Territoires en transition GEM)
Speakers :
- Dasho Karma Ura (remote) – Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies (CBS) – Bhoutan
Founded in 1998 by the Government of Bhutan, the CBS is an interdisciplinary social science research institute, which conducts research on social, cultural, economic and political well-being in Bhutan. It conducts measurement research on the Bhutanese indicator called Growth National Happiness and publishes analytic reports. It regularly co-hosts international conferences on the GNH.

- Marine Arcaina – Climate activiste
As a student and climate activist, Marine campaigns for social and ecological justice, particularly within the citizen movement Alternatiba Paris.

- Roger Folikoue – Researcher and Professor of political philosophy at the University of Lomé, member of the Togo Social Universities (UST) – Togo
Togo Social Universities (UST), a platform gathering about fifteen civil society organisations, are striving to achieve a proper governance and for the advent of real democracy in Togo and in Africa. The USTs work to inform and educate citizens in order to empower them to exercise their right to citizen control, and offer thoughtful analyses of current issues in Togo, Africa and the whole world.
The analysis of African civil society today shows a need for platforms for exchange that enable citizens to reflect together and act for the common good. This is the vision of the USTs, which is why every citizen is being involved as an actor of change in his or her environment.
- Florence Drouet – Transition Campus
An optics and image processing engineer, Florence has worked in an industrial control company and in some medical start-ups. She recently moved to an activity more closely aligned with the transition. She is particularly interested in the role of engineers in society, methods for moving towards more resilient lifestyles and woodcraft. At the campus, she’s been leading the low-tech approach for the past three years, both for an actual on-site implementation and to develop training.
- Chaire Territoire in transition : représentant.e à confirmer

8:30 PM : Festive evening
“After spending many years under the name of ‘Les Vieilles Pies’, Gabriel SAGLIO continues his journey. Once again, surrounded by his talented musicians, he charts his own path as an inquisitive singer. After having explored his encounter with Mandingo Africa in his previous album, Gabriel SAGLIO surprises us as he is now focusing on the music of Portuguese-speaking Africa. The powerful interpretation of this French singer with a distinctive voice meets the influences of Cape Verde, Angola and Guinea Bissau, giving his group a unique sound at the crossroads of French songs and World music.
This boat with a thousand stops will result in a warm and lively concert driven by humanist lyrics.”
Venue : Espace EVE