Friday, July 1st
- Sound journey
Embark on an inner journey to uncover your feelings. Sound vibrations and frequencies release physical, mental and emotional strain. Sound waves have an impact on your body, which is made up of about 70% water, and on your mind, to help you let go.
Speaker : Isabelle Favreau
Venue : Simone Veil – 103
- Movement and voice
« « The voice makes itself heard like a calligraphy drawn by the body ». Guided session to relax, focus, let go, inhabit one’s body and contact one’s inner space through the movement and singing of vowels.
Speaker : Carole Jarrige
Venue : Simone Veil – 102
- Hatha Yoga
I invite you to a hatha yoga session to gently welcome the day, connect with your breath and put your body in motion in a fluid and enjoyable way. A harmonious, enveloping and peaceful experience!
Speaker : Yannick Magnat
Venue : Simone Veil – 104
08:30-09:30 AM : Participants welcoming reception
9:30-11 AM : New models, new stories // 3 roundtable discussions
Inequalities, social justice and environmental issues
The close link between social and environmental inequalities raises the question of the ecological transition’s « social impact ». Therefore, how can we use transition policies as a lever for inclusion? How to include those who are the most remote? We will try to find some answers through the testimonies of field stakeholders, and guidance of two experts.
Facilitators : Joséphine Crouzet (Ville et CCAS de Grenoble), Liliane Perrin
Speakers :
- Xavier Godinot, Research director at the Centre de recherche Joseph Wresinski d’ATD Quart Monde
- Vivian Labrie, member of the Érasme (Équipe de recherche et d’action en santé mentale et culture) multidisciplinary team and researcher associated to the Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-économiques (Québec)
With the participation of several field stakeholders who accepted to explain how they tackle these issues in their practices (CCAS d’Echirolles, training institute in social work, solidarity grocery store, elected officials …)
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
Instruments of law, decision scales, citizen actions.
How could laws, regulations and standards promote the transition toward a fair and sustainable society? What legal and normative tools, existing or to be invented, would insure a framework for action for all the actors involved? What role can civil society, researchers and experts, elected officials, companies and their employees, and citizens play in these transformations?
- Véronique Blum, Lecturer at UGA.
- Marine Denis – PhD student in public international law (Université Sorbonne Paris Cité) et A.T.E.R Public law (Université Jean Moulin Lyon III) ; Legal practitioner at Notre Affaire A Tous
- Quentin Parrinello, Advocacy Officer for Tax Justice and Inequalities at Oxfam France.
- Stanislas Hannoun, Fiscal Justice and Inequalities Campaigns Manager at Oxfam France
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 3
Place to natural entities
How to represent non-humans in bodies and spaces shared with natural entities? Mixing humans and non-humans in new commons and cosmologies, the speakers will put their experiments (biomimicry, rural sociology, hearings for other rivers) at the service of the « Parliament of Isère » project
- Clément Boyer, PhD student at the Chaire Comptabilité Ecologique and the Université Paris Dauphine.
- Patrice Cayre, sociologist of the agricultural world
- Darja Dubravcic, biologist and expert in biomimicry,
- Pascal Ferren, philosopher and founder of « Le Lichen »
- Patrick Degeorges, anthropologist
- Philippe Dubois, President of FNE Isère
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 2
11:00-12:30 AM : Workshops
11:00-12:30 AM : Workshops
- How can we support the change of model here and there? Intersecting views of a promoter of peasant agroecology and a solidarity finance organisation.
International Solidarity: two partners will show how, each one of them in their own field – agriculture and solidarity investment – work concretely to support the ecological and social transition of the most disadvantaged populations, and how each one of us, here in France, can participate through solidarity finance.
Speakers : Jehanne Blanquart (CCFD-Terre Solidaire), Maria Estela Barco (coordinatrice DESMI – Mexique) ; Catherine Bellin-Schultz (chargée de partenariat SIDI)
Venue : Simone Veil – 201
- Impact of complementary local currencies
What are the questions raised by the Local Complementary Currencies? What new perspectives do they open in the social field? What is the scope of a local currency association? What is its daily life? This presentation-debate will address the issue of domestic wealth in a new light, in the light of Buen Vivir.
Speakers : Mickaël Medina, Olivier Truche, Mickaël Medina
Venue : Simone Veil – 202
- An action training to co-build the projects of territory favorable to the well living
The aim will be to present the training-action developed by Crois/Sens as a first step in mobilizing citizens in a process of co-construction of a territorial project. Then the participants in the workshop will be invited to create a compass of attachments, inspired by Bruno Latour, during an exercise of discernment. A final collective restitution will make it possible to make points of convergence and divergence between the participants around the question «What is well-being for you?».
Speakers : Camille Morel, Vattani Saray
Venue : Simone Veil – 204
- Fight against patriarchy, fight against hunger, same fight?
How are the fights AGAINST patriarchy and FOR food sovereignty linked? Come and share with us your observations, your testimonies, your questions, your concrete achievements, and your utopian, crazy and innovative ideas on the subject in order to feed our reflections and allow us to move forward.
Speakers : Olivier Béal, Florence Blall, Maud Faulquier (CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
(CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
Venue : Simone Veil – 203
- Maps of here and elsewhere
For two years, the Chamberian association CartONG led the Map from here and elsewhere project. We have led about fifty group workshops at the crossroads of sensitive cartography and artistic mediation, for exiled people suffering psychically. This workshop will therefore be primarily a review of experience. In what social context do the psychological sufferings of migrant people take place? How can artistic workshops respond to this? We will also offer you an introduction to sensitive cartography, to discover this approach based on a subjective, emotional, imaginary and creative representation of space.
Speakers : Clémence Beugnot (CartONG)
Venue : Simone Veil – 205
- Agro-ecology for the living well of farmers, consumers and the social relations
Agro-Ecology, a factor in the well-being of farmers, consumers and the social relations.
Share of experiences between the actions of the Confédération Paysanne, Terre de Lien, Artisans du Monde, the Metro, the CCFD-Terre Solidaire and the implementation of agro-ecology in Trièves.
Speakers : Dominique Normand, Confédération Paysanne, Terre de Liens, PAT de la Métro, Artisans du Monde, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Trièves Terre Nourricière et Trièves Transition Ecologique
Venue : Simone Veil – 210
- Chemistry Valley : facing polluting companies in violation, what tools for civil society?
Since the success of the Case of the Century and the condemnation of the State for climate inaction, local committees have been organising themselves. In Lyon, Notre Affaire à tous has just filed two new environmental references against industrial companies in the Chemistry Valley for violating environmental laws and exceeding the authorised pollution thresholds. Let’s reflect together on our role and our means of action, at the level of civil society, to reduce pollution and industrial risks and to engage the responsibility of those who produce them.
Speakers : Marine Denis, juriste bénévole pour l’association Notre Affaire à tous-Lyon
Venue : Simone Veil – 209
- The territorial well-being compass, what powers for a measureless tool?
How, beyond the issue of observation, the question of territorial well-being and its visual representation can constitute a support for debate between the stakeholders to agree on what makes common on our territories in transition? To answer this, we invite you to come and build your own compass of territorial well-being during a participatory workshop.
Speakers : Bérénice Thouin (Agence de Développement et d’Urbanisme de Lille Métropole – ADULM), Stéphanie Demeyere (ADULM), Louise Herry (ADULM)
Venue : Simone Veil – 211
- Moving international economic rules to ensure transitions
The current economic system requires structural changes and the establishment of international rules, including binding ones. Let’s discuss this with the Tunisian Economic Observatory, a civil society organisation that monitors the country’s economic policies and their impact on people’s well-being.
Speakers : Fathia Ben Slimane (OTU Observatoire Tunisien de l’Economie), Grégoire Niaudet (chargé de plaidoyer CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
Venue : Simone Veil – 212
- Making decisions based on mutual consent
Most of the collective decisions we are used to making are made by majority vote, which is frustrating for minorities, and not very meaningful according to many scientific studies.
The workshop is inspired by the tools deployed in shared governance, in particular to discover the
decision making process to consent. We will experience this process together and share what we have experienced.
Speakers : Catherine Silvestre (member of the « Observatoire de la Violence Educative Ordinaire »)
Venue : Simone Veil – 301
- Bringing together the Heroes of Social and Solidarity Entrepreneurship
Come and take part in a collective intelligence experience with Simon Fouquet, Managing Director of FOUQ Industries, the SSE’s Avengers agency for sustainable transition. Based on a decentralised vision of solidarity development, the experience of this SSE company invites you to reflect on the challenges of independent engineering in developing countries.
Speakers : Simon Fouquet, fonder of Fouq Industries
Venue : Simone Veil – 302
11-12:30PM : The scientific symposium
Interdependence and Commitment
Presidency session : Camille Gilloots
Venue : Amphi 1 – Stendhal
- The common good as a vehicle for new approaches to interdependencies
Speakers : Farrell Gilda (France / in french) – Abstract, Article
- Crossing knowledge with people living in poverty, a transdisciplinary participatory approach that generates social transformation
Speakers : Godinot Xavier et Abdallah Bendjaballah (France / in french) – Abstract & Resume
- Effects of a citizen participation project on the development of the power to act of college students
Speakers : Rizzi, V (Resume)., Leclerc, A., Bertrand, C., Shankland, R. (France / in french) – Abstract
Collective transformation of territories
Presidency session : Hugues Poissonnier
Venue : Amphi 3 – Stendhal
- ndicators of good living at the service of direct democracy: the appreciative barometer of the territorial quality of life of the Urban Community of Dunkirk
Speakers : Labrot Laurent (France / in french) – Abstract & Resume
- Multi-criteria analysis and characterization of the integrated water resources management model in the Annaba region
Speakers : Hani Samir (resume), Bougherira Nabil, Toumi Fayçal, Shahrour Isam (Algeria / in french) – Abstract
- Transport justice indicators and ranking — kool routes to better streets and neighborhoods in Santiago chile
Speakers : Sagaris Lake (Chili / in english – online) – Abstract & Resume
12:30-1:30 PM : Break and breathing time
- Sound journey
Embark on an inner journey to uncover your feelings. Sound vibrations and frequencies release physical, mental and emotional strain. Sound waves have an impact on your body, which is made up of about 70% water, and on your mind to help you let go.
Speaker : Isabelle Favreau
Venue : Simone Veil – 102
- Sound yoga
« Stretching within the limits of the body and listening to it’s sensations, letting oneself breathe… Then exploring the vibration with the Sanskrit alphabet’s syllables: while it allows to relax, this practice also helps to refocus.”
Speaker : Flore Vitry
Venue : Simone Veil – 103
1:30-3 PM : Workshops
- Territory Zero Unemployed, Echirolles’ experience
The Territory Zero Long Term Unemployed project aims to demonstrate that it is possible to offer all people permanently deprived of employment, permanent employment on a chosen time basis, by developing useful activities to meet the needs of the territory and this on the scale of small territories, without significant additional cost for the community. We offer you a time for discussion and sharing of experiences with the associations in charge of leading and developing the project in its various stages so as to better understand this approach and to initiate reflection on its transposition into other territories.
Speakers : Denise Faivre (TZCLD)
Venue : Simone Veil – 201
- Experience committed holidays, what’s that?
Committed holidays, who is it for?
For those who no longer necessarily have the time to commit during the year. For those who want to experience a family commitment. Come and discover during this workshop what it looks like and if it looks like YOU.
Speakers : Florence Blall et Maud Faulquier (bénévoles CCFD- Terre Solidaire)
Venue : Simone Veil – 202
- To think about a desirable future in its complexity, through drawing – the Ecological Renaissance fresk
What does a world that has managed to stay below 1.5ºC look like, and how could we get there?” The Ecological Renaissance Fresk invites you to sketch an answer to this question using drawing and collective intelligence. This workshop makes it possible to apprehend a systemic vision of the various challenges and themes of society by co-constructing projects in a benevolent framework.
Speakers : Florence Riesser (Fresque de la Renaissance Ecologique)
Venue : Simone Veil – 203
- So that the individual becomes the driving force behind the company’s sustainable transformations
People are the heart of a business. Its ability to transform itself is a sine qua none condition for the sustainable transformation of companies. This workshop seeks to discuss the dynamics of human transformation and to share resources (books, tools, conferences) so that everyone becomes an actor in the sustainable transformation of the company.
Speakers : Séverine Gerardin (Simones & Co), Quentin Viallet (Howy)
Venue : Simone Veil – 204
- Why do we continue to deposit our savings in a system based on the exploitation of resources and the search for profit?
The «solidarity finance» collective from Grenoble and the Conscience et Impact écologique association invite you to a time of playful exchanges around these questions too little studied and which concern us all.
Speakers : Lucie Watrinet (Collectif finance solidaire), Berengère Hirardot (Conscience et impact écologique), La Nef, Oikocredit, Le Cairn, Villages Vivants, Terre de Liens, les CIGALES, Energ’Y Citoyenne
Venue : Simone Veil – 205
- Bolivia & Brazil, adventures and experiences on the paths of the «Buen Vivir».
Bolivia & Brazil, adventures and experiences on the paths of the «Buen Vivir». With Michel Peyrat around the economic, cultural, political dimension within Quechua peasant communities of the Bolivian andes, with Frédéric Pagès from May 68 to participation in Brazil, in projects of medicine and alternative architectures, organic agriculture, music.
Speakers : Michel Peyrat et Frédéric Pagès
Venue : Simone Veil
- Training-action to co-build the projects of territory in favor of the well-being
IThe aim will be to present the training-action developed by Crois/Sens as a first step in mobilising citizens in a process of co-construction of a territorial project. Then the participants in the workshop will be invited to create a compass of attachments, inspired by Bruno Latour, during an exercise of discernment. A final collective restitution will make it possible to take stock of the points of convergence and divergence between the participants around the question «What is well-being for you?».
Speakers : Camille Morel, Vattani Saray ( Crois/sens)
Venue : Simone Veil – 209
- Towards a social contract of co-responsibility for living well together on the same planet
Living well on the same planet requires a balance between living well in the present and being able to respond to environmental challenges. This can only be achieved through the co-responsibility of all actors around a universally shared social contract of well-being of all. The workshop proposes an approach to boost such a process and a debate on its feasibility on major themes with prospects of concrete commitments.
Speakers : Samuel Thirion, Jean-Jacques Drevon, Florent Maraux, Jean-Pierre Thirion (Conseil des Alliances du Réseau International TOGETHER)
Venue : Simone Veil – 210
13:30-3 PM : The scientific symposium
Living well organization 2: refounding the purposes of companies
Presidency session : Nhu-Tuyen Le
Venue : Amphi 1 – Stendhal
- Examen philosophique de l’éthique en entreprise : en quoi la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises conduit-elle à penser la nécessité de refonder la finalité des sociétés économiques ?
Speaker : Bonifas Chloé (France / in french) – Abstract et Resume
- Rethinking Sustainability: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Good Life in Management and Leadership
Speaker : Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl ( Danematk / en anglais) – Abstract
- Inclusive capitalism and human nature: In search of a workable and realistic alternative to homo economicus for corporate governance and public policy
Speaker : De Jong Martin ( Pays-Bas/ en anglais) – Abstract
Interdépendances interscalaires et territoriales
Presidency session : Grégoire Feyt
Venue : Amphi 3 – Stendhal
- Principes d’action et métabolisme territorial : un moyen pour s’assurer de l’effectivité d’un changement de paradigme
Speaker : Buclet Nicolas (France / in french) – Résumé et CV
- Concevoir un modèle productif entrepreneurial au service des besoins essentiels territorialisés des habitants
Speaker : Claude Sophie (France / in french) – Résumé et CV
- Unpacking The Good Life Dialectic through Phenomenological Research Methodology
Speaker : Soumyajit Bhar – India (en anglais / online) – Résumé et CV
3:30-5 PM : So what now? Opening the post-forum doors
It’s always the same thing, when you come to a conference, a place of exchange, you’re full of ideas and walk away extremely motivated to change everything. And then? Well, then you return to you daily life, complexity prevails and you’re left with the nostalgia of having had a good time… This moment has been specifically planned to avoid the boosting effect from the conference to fade away. We’ve designed it as 4 doors to open for the post-forum period, presented in 4 « hows » to be chosen according to where you’re at and what you want to achieve, in a group or as individuals:
Workshop 1/ “How to take complicated and difficult political decisions today for tomorrow’s benefit” based on elected officials’ experiences. based on elected officials’ experiences.
Falicilated by xxx, l’Atelier des futurs.
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 4
Workshop 2/ “How to advocate at different levels on the forum topics?” based on the forum’s “Manifesto”, a guiding text signed by the organisers and all those who identify with it.
Facilitated by Manuèle Derolez, chief delegate at CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 3
Workshop 3/ “How to build or strengthen cooperation and alliances between researchers, local authorities, private actors and citizens at the territory level and in line with the spirit of the forum?”
Facilitated by Lab d’innovation La Piste.
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 1
Workshop 4/ « How to pursue the work on indicators and keep the Cap Bien Vivre community and the resource site alive?
Facilitated by the steering committee of the forum and the website
Venue : Stendhal – Amphi 2